User guide

REX Controls s.r.o.

Version 3.0.1
Plzeň (Pilsen), Czech Republic


Chapter 1

The DWM abbreviation stands for Device Web Management and it is a supplementary web application for REXYGEN-powered devices. The application lets user to setup a handful of various features whose configuration would otherwise be accessible only through the command line interface of the underlying operating system. REXYGEN DWM with the default settings is shown in Figure 1.1.

The navigation menu is fully configurable and can respect specific permissions given to REXYGEN Users.


Figure 1.1: REXYGEN DWM application

Chapter 2

This Chapter describes the steps to install and uninstall the REXYGEN DWM application in the Debian GNU/Linux. Please note, that the REXYGEN DWM is an additional software to the RexCore and therefore it is necessary to install the RexCore on your device first. If you don’t have installed RexCore on your device, follow the corresponding manual from Support -> Documentation and manuals at [1].

For installation follow this steps:

  1. Add REXYGEN public key in case you don’t have it stored from RexCore installation process:
    sudo wget -O /etc/apt/trusted.gpg.d/rexygen.gpg  

  2. Add REXYGEN DWM repository to your sources list:
    sudo echo ’deb bookworm rexygen dwm’ | \  
    sudo tee -a /etc/apt/sources.list.d/rexygen.list  

  3. Update package list:
    sudo apt update  

  4. Install REXYGEN DWM:
    sudo apt install rexygen-dwm  

  5. If you want to explore Archives, install the RexArc utility:
    sudo apt install rexarc  

Use the following commands to remove REXYGEN DWM from the operating system:

    sudo apt remove rexygen-dwm  
    sudo apt autoremove

Chapter 3
Default settings of REXYGEN DWM

After successful installation, REXYGEN DWM should be accessible on address
http://device-IP-address/dwm (use the IP of your device). If everything went well, you should see the environment from the Figure 1.1. The environment is divided into several sections (screens) which are described bellow. This pre-defined menu can be configured if needed. See the Chapter 4.2 for more details.

3.1 Resources

This section is for informational purposes only and shows:

  • Uptime,
  • CPU information,
  • current RAM and CPU load,
  • memory devices information and its current usage.

3.2 System Info

The System Info displays information about:

  • currently running REXYGEN application,
  • installed REXYGEN system,
  • operating system.

3.3 Service

The Service tab allows user to Reboot or Shutdown the device. Other possibility is to Disable, Restart or Stop the RexCore service. The REXYGEN system log is also displayed in this tab.

3.4 Network

The Network tab shows information about currently set network interfaces and moreover one can reconfigure this interfaces in this tab.

3.5 Hostname

This section is dedicated to device Hostname configuration.

3.6 Date and Time

Date and Time settings can be configured here.

3.7 Security

This tab is useful when you want to upload certificate and private key to your device. There are shown information about SSL Certificate.

3.8 File Browser

A simple file manager is available on this tab, which allows you to work with the content of the specified file-system part. Default access rights settings can be changed in config.lua file. By default, the file browser has read access to the /rex/ directory and write access to the /rex/data directory. For more information see Chapter 5.

Note that uploading files to the device via the REXYGEN DWM is only possible to the /rex/data/upload folder. Upload is performed by Linux user www-data therefore when uploading to another folder the user www-data needs to have write permissions.

3.9 HMI

The HMI tab can be configured do display the Human Machine Interface of your REXYGEN project. For details, see the Section 4.2.

3.10 Logs

This section allows to searching and filtering the System log. The filter is set to show REXYGEN logs by default.

3.11 Password

Passwords for REXYGEN users can be changed here.

3.12 Archives

This section allows to searching and filtering the REXYGEN archives stored on the device. The RexArc have to be installed on the device.

3.13 Licensing

Use this tab for licensing your device. The licensing procedure should be described in detail in the Getting started manual for your specific device. The manual can be found at [1].

Chapter 4
REXYGEN DWM Configuration

The default REXYGEN DWM configuration will probably address most of the use cases considered. However for more advanced applications it is possible to configure the navigation menu and labels, show/hide menu item, reorder items, add user permissions. It is also possible to configure more instances of one class object, which is useful in some cases.

4.1 Menu Configuration

For modification edit config.js file on your target device:

    sudo nano /rex/dwm/config.js

Default config.js is configured as:

window.DWMConfig = { 
    menus: [ 
            class: system_resources 
            class: system_info 
            class: service 
            class: network_configuration 
            class: hostname 
            class: datetime 
            class: security 
            class: filebrowser 
            class: hmi 
            class: logs 
            class: password_change, 
            superEnabled: false, 
            adminEnabled: true, 
            operatorEnabled: true, 
            guestEnabled: true, 
            class: archives 
            class: licensing 

Note: The file contains help and example of use.

4.1.1 General parameters

This parameters can be used for all screen types:

  • {string} class mandatory - class of the screen (possible choices: system_resources, system_info, basic_network_configuration, network_configuration, datetime, hostname, service, security, filebrowser, fileeditor, hmi, logs, dwm_config, rexcore_config, password_change, archives, event_log, licensing, rex-arc-view)
  • {string} icon optional - icon name from
  • {boolean} visible optional - if set to false, menu is hidden for everybody
  • {string[]} acl optional - list of users that can display the menu
  • {boolean} default optional - if set, the menu will be used to display default screen
  • {string} menuLabel optional - text that will be placed in the menu as a link to the page
  • {string} screenHeader optional - text that will be displayed on top of the page in header of the page
  • {string} screenHtmlTitle optional - text that will be displayed in the title of the page
  • {object} queryParams optional - query parameters to be given to the screen component (e.g. set queryParams: path: ’/rex/’ to class filebrowser), see Chapter 4.1.3 for details
  • {object[]} menus optional - inserting screens into the submenu

for example:

    icon: data_usage, 
    menuLabel: MySubmenu, 
    menus: [ 
        class: datetime, 
        acl: ["admin"], 
        screenHeader: Custom header, 
        screenHtmlTitle: Custom HTML title, 
        class: hostname 

4.1.2 Parameters for specific classes

This parameters can be used only for specific classes:

  • class hmi
    • {string} group optional - specifies to which HMI group this HMI page belongs
  • class password_change
    • {boolean} adminEnabled optional - if set to true, the admin password can be changed
    • {boolean} superEnabled optional - if set to true, the super password can be changed
    • {boolean} operatorEnabled optional - if set to true, the operator password can be changed
    • {boolean} guestEnabled optional - if set to true, the guest password can be changed
  • class event_log
    • {string} archive mandatory - archive name
    • {object} export optional - settings for archive export
      • {string} delimiter optional - pre-fill of delimiter type export settings
      • {string} customHeader optional - pre-fill of the custom header export settings
      • {string} columnFilter optional - pre-fill of the column filter export settings
    • {string[]} tableHeader optional - names of column headers (e.g. [’Timestamp’,’ID’,’Message’])
    • {string} idsFilterLabel optional - pre-fill the filter for the archive IDs (e.g. ’1,2’)
    • {boolean} allowDeleting optional - if set to true, the event log can be deleted

4.1.3 Possible queryParams for specific classes

  • class hmi
    • {boolean} hiddenTabs - tabs header display
    • {string} id - id of the currently displayed HMI
  • class filebrowser
    • {string} path - directory path
  • class fileeditor
    • {string} path - directory path
    • {string} file - file name
  • class archives
    • {string} arcName - pre-fill of the archive name
    • {string} arcIDs - pre-fill of the archive IDs
    • {string} since - pre-fill timestamp since
    • {string} until - pre-fill timestamp until
    • {string} delimiter - pre-fill of delimiter type export settings
    • {string} columnFilter - pre-fill of the column filter export settings
    • {string} columnHeader - pre-fill of the custom header export settings
    • {number} numberOfItems - pre-fill of the max number of items (rows)
    • {boolean} showData - data display option
    • {boolean} showEvents - events display option
    • {boolean} showLogs - logs display option
    • {boolean} loadData - turn on automatic data retrieval after page loading

4.2 Integration of HMI pages

To allow HMI integration the hmi package needs to contain a manifest file hmi.json. To include the file in the compilation process of REXYGEN Studio put the file in the hmisrc folder. Example of the manifest file:

        "name": "index", 
        "js": [ 
        "groups": ["group-port-a"] 
    }, { 
        "name": "configuration", 
        "js": ["rex-ui-svg-general.js"], 
        "groups": ["group-port-b"] 
    }, { 
        "name": "trends", 
        "js": ["rex-ui-svg-general.js"] 
  • name – corresponds to the svg filename (without suffix .hmi.svg)
  • js – list of used HMI libraries
  • groups – specifies to which HMI group this HMI page belongs

When using HMI groups you need to configure the config.js file accordingly. E.g.:

        class: hmi, 
        menuLabel: Port A, 
        queryParams: {hiddenTabs: false}, 
        group: group-port-a, 
        screenHeader: Port page, 
        screenHtmlTitle: Port page 
        class: hmi, 
        menuLabel: Port B, 
        queryParams: {hiddenTabs: true}, 
        group: group-port-b, 
        screenHeader: Port page, 
        screenHtmlTitle: Port page 

Chapter 5
Access Rights Settings

Access to directories can be granted or removed by modification of the /rex/dwm/config.lua file. For security reasons, this file cannot be edited directly using REXYGEN DWM. Access to read the content of the directory can be granted with adding the directory path into the readable_path_filters list. Similarly, the rights to write to the directory can be granted by adding a path to the writable_path_filters list.

Default config.lua:

local config = { 
    file_system = { 
        readable_path_filters = { 
        writable_path_filters = { 

return config

All read/write operations are performed as Linux user rex-dwm. To read and write using REXYGEN DWM, you first need to grant the necessary rights in the specified folder to that user. This is another layer of the security protection.

After modification of the /rex/dwm/config.lua file, it is necessary to restart the rex-dwm-rpc service with command:

service rexdwmrpc restart

List of Figures


[1]   REX Controls s.r.o.. Internet webpage, 2020.

Documentation reference number: 16076

2024 © REX Controls s.r.o.,