RTOI – Real to integer number conversion

Block SymbolLicensing group: STANDARD

Function Description
The RTOI block converts the real number r to a signed integer number i. The resulting rounded value is defined by:

i = 2147483648, for r 2147483648.0, round(r), for 2147483648.0 < r 2147483647.0, 2147483647, for r > 2147483647.0,

where round(r) stands for rounding to the nearest integer number. The number of the form n+0.5 (n is integer) is rounded to the integer number with the higher absolute value, i.e. round(1.5) = 2, round(2.5) = 3.

Note that the numbers 2147483648 and 2147483647 correspond with the lowest and the highest signed number representable in 32-bit format respectively (0x7FFFFFFF and 0x80000000 in hexadecimal form in the C language). This limits are valid if the vtype parameter has default value.

This block propagates the signal quality. More information can be found in the 1.4 section.



Analog input of the block

Double (F64)



Numeric type  4

Long (I32)

2 ....

Byte (U8)

3 ....

Short (I16)

4 ....

Long (I32)

5 ....

Word (U16)

6 ....

DWord (U32)

10 ...

Large (I64)


Saturation (overflow) checking  on


off ..

Overflow is not checked

on ...

Overflow is checked



Rounded and converted input signal

Long (I32)

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