SAI – Safety analog input

Block SymbolLicensing group: ADVANCED

Function Description
The SAI block tests the input signal u and assesses its validity. The input signal u is considered invalid (the output E = on) in the following cases:

F1: Hardware error. The input signal HWF = on.
F2: The input signal u varies too little. The last nc samples of the input u lies within the interval of width du,
du = vmaxvmin 2nbits , for nbits {8,9,...,16} 0, for nbits{8,9,...,16}.

where vmin and vmax are the lower and upper limits of the input u, respectively, and nbits is the number of A/D converter bits. The situation when the input signal u varies too little is shown in the following picture:


If the parameter nc is set to nc = 0, the condition F2 is never fulfilled.

F3: The input signal u varies too much. The last nr samples of the input u filtered by the SPIKE filter have a span which is greater than rate,
rate = pratevmaxvmin 100 ,

where prate defines the allowed percentage change in the input signal u within the last nr samples (with respect to the overall range of the input signal u vmin,vmax). The block includes a SPIKE filter with fixed parameters mingap = vmaxvmin 100 and q = 2 suppressing peaks in the input signal to avoid undesirable fulfilling of this condition. See the SPIKE block description for more details. The situation when the input signal u varies too much is shown in the following picture:


If the parameter nr is set to nr = 0, the condition F3 is never fulfilled.

F4: The input signal u is out of range. The last nv samples of the input signal u lie out of the allowed range vmin,vmax. If the parameter nv is set to nv = 0, the condition F4 is never fulfilled.

The signal u is copied to the output y without any modification when it is considered valid. In the other case, the output y is determined by a substitute value from the sv input. In such a case the output E is set to on and the output iE provides the error code. The input R resets the inner error flags F1F4. For the input R set permanently to on, the invalidity indicator E is set to on for only one cycle period whenever some invalidity condition is fulfilled. On the other hand, for R= off, the output E is set to on and remains true until the reset (rising edge Roff on).

The table of error codes iE resulting from the inner error flags F1F4:

F1 F2 F3 F4 iE

0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 1 1
0 0 1 0 2
0 0 1 1 3
0 1 0 0 4
0 1 0 1 5
0 1 1 0 6
0 1 1 1 7
1 * * * 8

The nb parameter defines the number of samples which are not included in the validity assessment after initialization of the block (restart). Recommended setting is nb 5 to allow the SPIKE filter initial conditions to fade away.

This block does not propagates the signal quality. More information can be found in the 1.4 section.



Analog input of the block

Double (F64)


Substitute value for an error case

Double (F64)


Hardware error indicator


off ..

The input module of the signal works normally

on ...

Hardware error of the input module occurred


Reset inner error flags




Number of samples to skip at startup  10

Long (I32)


Number of samples for invariability testing  10

Long (I32)


Number of A/D converter bits  12

Long (I32)


Number of samples for variability testing  10

Long (I32)


Maximum allowed percentage change  10.0

Double (F64)


Number of samples for out-of-range testing  1

Long (I32)


Lower limit for the input signal  -1.0

Double (F64)


Upper limit for the input signal  1.0

Double (F64)



Analog output of the block

Double (F64)


Filtered output signal (SPIKE)

Double (F64)


Output signal invalidity indicator


off ..

Signal is valid

on ...

Signal is invalid


Reason of invalidity

Long (I32)

0 ....

Signal valid

1 ....

Signal out of range

2 ....

Signal varies too much

3 ....

Signal varies too much and signal out of range

4 ....

Signal varies too little

5 ....

Signal varies too little and signal out of range

6 ....

Signal varies too much and too little

7 ....

Signal varies too much and too little and signal out of range

8 ....

Hardware error

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