Appendix C
Error codes of the REXYGEN system

Success codes

0 .......


-1 ......


-2 ......

First value is greater

-3 ......

Second value is greater

-4 ......

Parameter changed

-5 ......

Success, no server transaction done

-6 ......

Value too big

-7 ......

Value too small

-8 ......

Operation in progress

-9 ......

REXYGEN I/O driver warning

-10 .....

No more archive items

-11 .....

Object is array

-12 .....


-13 .....

End of file

-14 .....

Parameter may be incorrect

General failure codes

-100 ....

Not enough memory

-101 ....

Assertion failure

-102 ....


-103 ....

General input variable error

-104 ....

Invalid configuration version

-105 ....

Not implemented

-106 ....

Invalid parameter

-107 ....

COM/OLE error

-108 ....

REXYGEN Module error - some driver or block is not installed or licensed

-109 ....

REXYGEN I/O driver error

-110 ....

Task creation error

-111 ....

Operating system call error

-112 ....

Invalid operating system version

-113 ....

Access denied by operating system

-114 ....

Block period has not been set

-115 ....

Initialization failed

-116 ....

REXYGEN configuration is being changed

-117 ....

Invalid target device

-118 ....

Access denied by REXYGEN security mechanism

-119 ....

Block or object is not installed or licensed

-120 ....

Checksum mismatch

-121 ....

Object already exists

-122 ....

Object doesn’t exist

-123 ....

System user doesn’t belong to any REXYGEN group

-124 ....

Password mismatch

-125 ....

Bad user name or password

-126 ....

Target device is not compatible

-127 ....

Resource is locked by another module and can not be used

-128 ....

String is not valid in UTF8 codepage

-129 ....

Start of executive not allowed

-130 ....

Some resource count reached limit

-131 ....

Text value has been truncated

-132 ....

Unsufficient buffer for requested operation

-133 ....

Block execution halted due to runtime error

Class registration, symbol and validation error codes

-200 ....

Class not registered

-201 ....

Class already registered

-202 ....

Not enough space for registry

-203 ....

Registry index out of range

-204 ....

Invalid context

-205 ....

Invalid identifier

-206 ....

Invalid input flag

-207 ....

Invalid input mask

-208 ....

Invalid object type

-209 ....

Invalid variable type

-210 ....

Invalid object workspace

-211 ....

Symbol not found

-212 ....

Symbol is ambiguous

-213 ....

Range check error

-214 ....

Not enough search space

-215 ....

Write to read-only variable denied

-216 ....

Data not ready

-217 ....

Value out of range

-218 ....

Input connection error

-219 ....

Loop of type UNKNOWN detected

-220 ....

REXLANG compilation error

Stream and file system codes

-300 ....

Stream overflow

-301 ....

Stream underflow

-302 ....

Stream send error

-303 ....

Stream receive error

-304 ....

Stream download error

-305 ....

Stream upload error

-306 ....

File creation error

-307 ....

File open error

-308 ....

File close error

-309 ....

File read error

-310 ....

File write error

-311 ....

Invalid format

-312 ....

Unable to compress files

-313 ....

Unable to extract files

Communication errors

-400 ....

Network communication failure

-401 ....

Communication already initialized

-402 ....

Communication finished successfully

-403 ....

Communicaton closed unexpectedly

-404 ....

Unknown command

-405 ....

Unexpected command

-406 ....

Communicaton closed unexpectedly, probably ’Too many clients’

-407 ....

Communication timeout

-408 ....

Target device not found

-409 ....

Link failed

-410 ....

REXYGEN configuration has been changed

-411 ....

REXYGEN executive is being terminated

-412 ....

REXYGEN executive was terminated

-413 ....

Connection refused

-414 ....

Target device is unreachable

-415 ....

Unable to resolve target in DNS

-416 ....

Error reading from socket

-417 ....

Error writing to socket

-418 ....

Invalid operation on socket

-419 ....

Reserved for socket 1

-420 ....

Reserved for socket 2

-421 ....

Reserved for socket 3

-422 ....

Reserved for socket 4

-423 ....

Reserved for socket 5

-424 ....

Unable to create SSL context

-425 ....

Unable to load certificate

-426 ....

SSL handshake error

-427 ....

Certificate verification error

-428 ....

Reserved for SSL 2

-429 ....

Reserved for SSL 3

-430 ....

Reserved for SSL 4

-431 ....

Reserved for SSL 5

-432 ....

Relay rejected

-433 ....

STARTTLS rejected

-434 ....

Authentication method rejected

-435 ....

Authentication failed

-436 ....

Send operation failed

-437 ....

Receive operation failed

-438 ....

Communication command failed

-439 ....

Receiving buffer too small

-440 ....

Sending buffer too small

-441 ....

Invalid header

-442 ....

HTTP server responded with error

-443 ....

HTTP server responded with redirect

-444 ....

Operation would blok

-445 ....

Invalid operation

-446 ....

Communication closed

-447 ....

Connection cancelled

Numerical error codes

-500 ....

General numeric error

-501 ....

Division by zero

-502 ....

Numeric stack overflow

-503 ....

Invalid numeric instruction

-504 ....

Invalid numeric address

-505 ....

Invalid numeric type

-506 ....

Not initialized numeric value

-507 ....

Numeric argument overflow/underflow

-508 ....

Numeric range check error

-509 ....

Invalid subvector/submatrix range

-510 ....

Numeric value too close to zero

Archive system codes

-600 ....

Archive seek underflow

-601 ....

Archive semaphore fatal error

-602 ....

Archive cleared

-603 ....

Archive reconstructed from saved vars

-604 ....

Archive reconstructed from normal vars

-605 ....

Archive check summ error

-606 ....

Archive integrity error

-607 ....

Archive sizes changed

-608 ....

Maximum size of disk archive file exceeded

Motion control codes

-700 ....

MC - Invalid parameter

-701 ....

MC - Out of range

-702 ....

MC - Position not reachable

-703 ....

MC - Invalid axis state

-704 ....

MC - Torque limit exceeded

-705 ....

MC - Time limit exceeded

-706 ....

MC - Distance limit exceeded

-707 ....

MC - Step change in position or velocity

-708 ....

MC - Base axis error or invalid state

-709 ....

MC - Stopped by drive FAULT

-710 ....

MC - Stopped by POSITION limit

-711 ....

MC - Stopped by VELOCITY limit

-712 ....

MC - Stopped by ACCELERATION limit

-713 ....


-714 ....

MC - Stopped by position LAG

-715 ....

MC - Axis disabled during motion

-716 ....

MC - Transition failed

-717 ....

MC - Servodrive failed or disabled

-718 ....

MC - Not used

-719 ....

MC - Not used

-720 ....

MC - General failure

-721 ....

MC - Not implemented

-722 ....

MC - Command is aborted

-723 ....

MC - Conflict in block and axis periods

-724 ....

MC - Busy, waiting for activation

Licensing codes

-800 ....

Unable to identify Ethernet interface

-801 ....

Unable to identify CPU

-802 ....

Unable to identify HDD

-803 ....

Invalid device code

-804 ....

Invalid licensing key

-805 ....

Not licensed

Webserver-related errors

-900 ....

Web request too large

-901 ....

Web reply too large

-902 ....

Invalid format

-903 ....

Invalid parameter

RexVision-related errors

-1000  ..

Result is not evaluated

-1001  ..

The searched object/pattern can not be found

-1002  ..

The search criterion returned more corresponding objects

FMI standard related errors

-1100  ..

FMI Context allocation failure

-1101  ..

Invalid FMU version

-1102  ..

FMI XML parsing error

-1103  ..

FMI Model Exchange kind required

-1104  ..

FMI Co-Simulation kind required

-1105  ..

Could not create FMU loading mechanism

-1106  ..

Instantiation of FMU failed

-1107  ..

Termination of FMU failed

-1108  ..

FMU reset failed

-1109  ..

FMU Experiment setup failed

-1110  ..

Entering FMU initialization mode failed

-1111  ..

Exiting FMU initialization mode failed

-1112  ..

Error getting FMU variable list

-1113  ..

Error getting FMU real variable

-1114  ..

Error setting FMU real variable

-1115  ..

Error getting FMU integer variable

-1116  ..

Error setting FMU integer variable

-1117  ..

Error getting FMU boolean variable

-1118  ..

Error setting FMU boolean variable

-1119  ..

Doing a FMU simulation step failed

-1120  ..

FMU has too many inputs

-1121  ..

FMU has too many ouputs

-1122  ..

FMU has too many parameters

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