Chapter 22
MC_COORD – Motion control - coordinated movement blocks


 RM_AxesGroup – Axes group for coordinated motion control
 RM_Feed – MC Feeder ???
 RM_Gcode – CNC motion control
 MC_AddAxisToGroup – Adds one axis to a group
 MC_UngroupAllAxes – Removes all axes from the group
 MC_GroupEnable – Changes the state of a group to GroupEnable
 MC_GroupDisable – Changes the state of a group to GroupDisabled
 MC_SetCartesianTransform – Sets Cartesian transformation
 MC_ReadCartesianTransform – Reads the parameter of the cartesian transformation
 MC_GroupSetPosition, MCP_GroupSetPosition – Sets the position of all axes in a group
 MC_GroupReadActualPosition – Read actual position in the selected coordinate system
 MC_GroupReadActualVelocity – Read actual velocity in the selected coordinate system
 MC_GroupReadActualAcceleration – Read actual acceleration in the selected coordinate system
 MC_GroupStop – Stopping a group movement
 MC_GroupHalt – Stopping a group movement (interruptible)
 MC_GroupInterrupt, MCP_GroupInterrupt – Read a group interrupt
 MC_GroupContinue – Continuation of interrupted movement
 MC_GroupReadStatus – Read a group status
 MC_GroupReadError – Read a group error
 MC_GroupReset – Reset axes errors
 MC_MoveLinearAbsolute – Linear move to position (absolute coordinates)
 MC_MoveLinearRelative – Linear move to position (relative to execution point)
 MC_MoveCircularAbsolute – Circular move to position (absolute coordinates)
 MC_MoveCircularRelative – Circular move to position (relative to execution point)
 MC_MoveDirectAbsolute – Direct move to position (absolute coordinates)
 MC_MoveDirectRelative – Direct move to position (relative to execution point)
 MC_MovePath – General spatial trajectory generation
 MC_GroupSetOverride – Set group override factors

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