FLCU – Fuzzy logic controller unit

Block SymbolLicensing group: ADVANCED

Function Description
The FLCU block implements a simple fuzzy logic controller with two inputs and one output. Introduction to fuzzy logic problems can be found in [3].

The output is defined by trapezoidal membership functions of linguistic terms of the u and v inputs, impulse membership functions of linguistic terms of the y output and inference rules in the form

If (u is Ui ) AND (v is V j ), then (y is Y k ),

where Ui,i = 1,,nu are the linguistic terms of the u input; V j,j = 1,,nv are the linguistic terms of the v input and Y k,k = 1,,ny are the linguistic terms of the y output. Trapezoidal (triangular) membership functions of the u and v inputs are defined by four numbers as depicted below.


Not all numbers x1,,x4 are mutually different in triangular functions. The matrices of membership functions of the u and v input are composed of rows [x1,x2,x3,x4]. The dimensions of matrices mfu and mfv are (nu× 4) and (nv× 4) respectively.

The impulse 1st order membership functions of the y output are defined by the triplet


where yk is the value assigned to the linguistic term Y k,k = 1,,ny in the case of ak = bk = 0. If ak0 and bk 0, then the term Y k is assigned the value of yk + aku + bkv. The output membership function matrix sty has a dimension of (ny× 3) and contains the rows [yk,ak,bk],k = 1,,ny.

The set of inference rules is also a matrix whose rows are [il ,jl,kl,wl],l = 1,,nr, where il ,jl and kl defines a particular linguistic term of the u and v inputs and y output respectively. The number wl defines the weight of the rule in percents wl {0,1,,100}. It is possible to suppress or emphasize a particular inference rule if necessary.



First analog input of the block

Double (F64)


Second analog input of the block

Double (F64)



Analog output of the block

Double (F64)


Dominant rule

Long (I32)


Degree of truth of the dominant rule

Double (F64)



Upper limit of the u input  1.0

Double (F64)


Lower limit of the u input  -1.0

Double (F64)


Upper limit of the v input  1.0

Double (F64)


Lower limit of the v input  -1.0

Double (F64)


Number of reserved (allocated) membership functions (for each inputs and output)   4  10000 10

Long (I32)


Matrix of membership functions of the input u  [-1 -1 -1 0; -1 0 0 1; 0 1 1 1]

Double (F64)


Matrix of membership functions of the input v  [-1 -1 -1 0; -1 0 0 1; 0 1 1 1]

Double (F64)


Matrix of membership functions of the output y  [-1 0 0; 0 0 0; 1 0 0]

Double (F64)


Matrix of inference rules  [1 2 3 100; 1 1 1 100; 1 0 3 100]

Byte (U8)

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