S1OF2 – One of two analog signals selector

Block SymbolLicensing group: ADVANCED

Function Description
The S1OF2 block assesses the validity of two input signals u1 and u2 separately. The validation method is equal to the method used in the SAI block. If the signal u1 (or u2) is marked invalid, the output E1 (or E2) is set to on and the error code is sent to the iE1 (or iE2) output. The S1OF2 block also evaluates the difference between the two input signals. The internal flag D is set to on if the differences |u1u2| in the last nd samples exceed the given limit, which is given by the following inequation

|u1u2| > pdevvmaxvmin 100 ,

where vmin and vmax are the minimal and maximal limits of the inputs u1 and u2 and pdev is the allowed percentage difference with respect to the overall range of the input signals. The value of the output y depends on the validity of the input signals (flags E1 and E2) and the internal difference flag D as follows:

(i) If E1 = off and E2 = off and D = off
, then the output y depends on the mode parameter:
y = u1+u2 2 , for mode = 1, min(u1,u2), for mode = 2, max(u1,u2), for mode = 3,

and the output E is set to off unless set to on earlier.

(ii) If E1 = off and E2 = off and D = on
, then y = sv and E = on.
(iii) If E1 = on and E2 = off (E1 = off and E2 = on)
, then y = u2 (y = u1) and the output E is set to off unless set to on earlier.
(iv) If E1 = on and E2 = on
, then y = sv and E = on.

The input R resets the inner error flags FlF4 (see the SAI block) and the D flag. For the input R set permanently to on, the invalidity indicator E1 (E2) is set to on for only one cycle period whenever some invalidity condition is fulfilled. On the other hand, for R= 0, the output E1 (E2) is set to on and remains true until the reset (Roff on). A similar rule holds for the E output. For the input R set permanently to on, the E output is set to on for only one cycle period whenever a rising edge occurs in the internal D flag (D = off on). On the other hand, for R = 0, the output E is set to on and remains true until the reset (rising edge Roff on). The output W is set to on only in the (iii) or (iv) cases, i.e. at least one input signal is invalid.



First analog input of the block

Double (F64)


Second analog input of the block

Double (F64)


Substitute value for an error case, i.e. E = on

Double (F64)


Hardware error flag for signal u1


off ..

The input module of the signal works normally

on ...

Hardware error of the input module occurred


Hardware error flag for signal u2


off ..

The input module of the signal works normally

on ...

Hardware error of the input module occurred


Reset inner error flags of the input signals u1 and u2




Analog output of the block

Double (F64)


Output signal invalidity indicator


off ..

Signal is valid

on ...

Signal is invalid


Invalidity indicator for input u1


off ..

Signal is valid

on ...

Signal is invalid, y = u2


Invalidity indicator for input u2


off ..

Signal is valid

on ...

Signal is invalid, y = u1


Reason of input u1 invalidity

Long (I32)

0 ....

Signal valid

1 ....

Signal out of range

2 ....

Signal varies too little

3 ....

Signal varies too little and signal out of range

4 ....

Signal varies too much

5 ....

Signal varies too much and signal out of range

6 ....

Signal varies too much and too little

7 ....

Signal varies too much and too little and signal out of range

8 ....

Hardware error


Reason of input u2 invalidity, see the iE1 output

Long (I32)


Warning flag (invalid input signal)


off ..

Both input signals u1 and u2 are valid

on ...

At least one of the input signals is invalid



Number of samples which are not included in the validity assessment of the signals u1 and u2 after initialization of the block  10

Long (I32)


Number of samples for invariability testing (see the SAI block, condition F2)  10

Long (I32)


Number of A/D converter bits (source of the signals u1 and u2)  12

Long (I32)


Number of samples for variability testing (see the SAI block, condition F3)  10

Long (I32)


Maximum allowed percentage change of the input u1 (u2) within the last nr samples (with respect to the overall range of the input signals vmaxvmin, see the SAI block)  10.0

Double (F64)


Number of samples for out-of-range testing (see the SAI block, condition F4)  1

Long (I32)


Lower limit for the input signals u1 and u2  -1.0

Double (F64)


Upper limit for the input signals u1 and u2  1.0

Double (F64)


Number of samples for deviation testing (inner flag D; D is always off for nd = 0)  5

Long (I32)


Maximum allowed percentage deviation of the inputs u1 and u2 with respect to the overall range of the input signals vmaxvmin  10.0

Double (F64)


Defines how to compute the output signal y when both input signals are valid (E1 = off, E2 = off and D = off)  1

Long (I32)

1 ....

Average, y = u1+u2 2

2 ....

Minimum, y = min(u1,u2)

3 ....

Maximum, y = max(u1,u2)

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