Chapter 22
MC_COORD – Motion control - coordinated movement blocks

The MC_COORD library is specifically designed for the coordination of multi-axis motion control within complex systems. It encompasses a variety of blocks, including MC_MoveLinearAbsolute for executing precise linear movements, complemented by MC_MoveLinearRelative for relative linear motion. For the execution of circular motion, the library incorporates MC_MoveCircularAbsolute alongside MC_MoveCircularRelative, ensuring detailed circular trajectories. In the context of managing group axis control, this library introduces MC_AddAxisToGroup, which is further supported by functionalities such as MC_GroupEnable for activation, MC_GroupDisable for deactivation, and MC_GroupHalt for immediate stopping of grouped axes. Furthermore, the library provides MC_MoveDirectAbsolute and MC_MoveDirectRelative, enabling direct control over axis movements. For navigating through complex paths, MC_MovePath is made available. Essential monitoring and control features are facilitated by MC_GroupReadActualPosition for positional data, MC_GroupReadActualVelocity for velocity insights, MC_GroupReadError for error detection, and MC_GroupReadStatus for status updates. Additionally, the library integrates MC_ReadCartesianTransform and MC_SetCartesianTransform, which are vital for Cartesian transformation processes. This collection of functionalities underscores the library’s significance in applications that demand the synchronized control of multiple axes, particularly in the realms of robotics and automation systems.


 MCP_GroupHalt – Stopping a group movement (interruptible)
 MCP_GroupInterrupt – Read a group interrupt
 MCP_GroupSetOverride – Set group override factors
 MCP_GroupSetPosition – Sets the position of all axes in a group
 MCP_GroupStop – Stopping a group movement
 MCP_MoveCircularAbsolute – Circular move to position (absolute coordinates)
 MCP_MoveCircularRelative – Circular move to position (relative to execution point)
 MCP_MoveDirectAbsolute – Direct move to position (absolute coordinates)
 MCP_MoveDirectRelative – Direct move to position (relative to execution point)
 MCP_MoveLinearAbsolute – Linear move to position (absolute coordinates)
 MCP_MoveLinearRelative – Linear move to position (relative to execution point)
 MCP_MovePath – General spatial trajectory generation
 MCP_MovePath_PH – General spatial trajectory generation PH
 MCP_SetCartesianTransform – Sets Cartesian transformation
 MCP_SetKinTransform_Arm – Kinematic transformation robot ARM
 MCP_SetKinTransform_UR – Kinematic transformation for UR robot
 MC_AddAxisToGroup – Adds one axis to a group
 MC_GroupContinue – Continuation of interrupted movement
 MC_GroupDisable – Changes the state of a group to GroupDisabled
 MC_GroupEnable – Changes the state of a group to GroupEnable
 MC_GroupHalt – Stopping a group movement (interruptible)
 MC_GroupInterrupt, MCP_GroupInterrupt – Read a group interrupt
 MC_GroupReadActualAcceleration – Read actual acceleration in the selected coordinate system
 MC_GroupReadActualPosition – Read actual position in the selected coordinate system
 MC_GroupReadActualVelocity – Read actual velocity in the selected coordinate system
 MC_GroupReadError – Read a group error
 MC_GroupReadStatus – Read a group status
 MC_GroupReset – Reset axes errors
 MC_GroupSetOverride – Set group override factors
 MC_GroupSetPosition, MCP_GroupSetPosition – Sets the position of all axes in a group
 MC_GroupStop – Stopping a group movement
 MC_MoveCircularAbsolute – Circular move to position (absolute coordinates)
 MC_MoveCircularRelative – Circular move to position (relative to execution point)
 MC_MoveDirectAbsolute – Direct move to position (absolute coordinates)
 MC_MoveDirectRelative – Direct move to position (relative to execution point)
 MC_MoveLinearAbsolute – Linear move to position (absolute coordinates)
 MC_MoveLinearRelative – Linear move to position (relative to execution point)
 MC_MovePath – General spatial trajectory generation
 MC_MovePath_PH – General spatial trajectory generation PH
 MC_ReadCartesianTransform – Reads the parameter of the cartesian transformation
 MC_SetCartesianTransform – Sets Cartesian transformation
 MC_UngroupAllAxes – Removes all axes from the group
 RM_AxesGroup – Axes group for coordinated motion control
 RM_Feed – MC Feeder ???
 RM_Gcode – CNC motion control
 RM_GroupTrack – T

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